The tropics are becoming active as the summer winds down and early fall approaches. Bill, Ana, and Claudette are in the news. From my own front porch I photograph a distant thundercloud to the east and include both my photo and a later NWS radar image of the area in this post.

Fortunately, in terms of severe storms I have never experienced direct hits by either tornadoes or hurricanes. I have come close though. I was in Vickburg, Mississippi helping out in the aftermath of Katrina in 2005 when, for short period of time, a Category 5 Rita was taking aim at Louisiana. I was wondering what I would do as it was taking aim. For a brief instant I considered standing my ground and seeking providential help but only for an instant... Rita turned a bit toward the west and weakened (although there was till major damage). For those who have not seen the destruction from a storm surge, or the path of a severe tornado, suffice to say that it is a very humbling experience.

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