Tuesday, February 4, 2025


This week Elon Musk and Company are calling for an “AI-First” strategy in government. I am not sure I am onboard with a totally autonomous system nor the removal of millions of workers in the federal workforce, but what I am certain of is that AI is useful, complicated, and evolving. A good definition of an AI system is that it is an ecosystem of infrastructure for models, data pipelines, processes, and teams. The ecosystem promotes end-to-end computer solutions of real-world problems that are sustainable and align with societal values. An AI system is the practical deployment of models delivering value at scale.

Following 20+ years as a geospatial professional in the USDA Forest Service (35+ years in federal service), I had been tasked with the coordination and integration of geospatial technology into the federal agency on a local unit (i.e., on the Monongahela National Forest), at a regional level (i.e., Region 1 based in Missoula, Montana), and at a national level at the Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC) in Salt Lake City. This experience taught me that the evolution of this new technology and applied use in an ecological land management context was fraught with complexity and required an interdisciplinary framework for capturing programmatic content – lands, engineering, recreation, wildlife, soils, geology, law enforcement are representative programs with professional staff and a wealth of data that required analysis, management, and coordination.

AI models and systems hold great promise for augmenting geospatial professionals and resource specialists in their work as well as providing foundational insights for Agency leadership in making decisions. Current techniques and tools exist for automating much of the processes right now, but the integration of AI systems and task-based models would help to not only solve real-world problems but potentially reveal emergent and innovative approaches to natural resource management.

Current AI applications in the natural resource and land management realm are primarily task-based and concentrated in the remote sensing arena.  Several remote sensing examples include feature extraction and change detection, predictive analytics, and natural language processing. Specific real-world examples that have been developed are:

§  Future of AI in natural resource management: Self-Learning Forest Growth Model (Liang, 2023)

Mr. Liang is co-director of the Forest Advanced Computing and Artificial Intelligence Lab and is leading a project to use AI to map global forest carbon accumulation rates (Liang, 2023).

§  Exploring artificial intelligence for applications of drones in forest ecology and management (Buchelt et al, 2024)

This article is an in-depth look at utilizing drone technology for real-time tracking of forested landscapes for wildfires, pests, and inventory needs to name a few.

Another great source of information on applied AI in the geospatial world is Esri. Esri is the leading commercial vendor for geospatial software with their ArcGIS suite of applications. They are leading the GeoAI charge which is what they define as:

 “…the application of artificial intelligence (AI) fused with geospatial data, science, and technology to accelerate real-world understanding of business opportunities, environmental impacts, and operational risks. Organizations are modernizing operations to run at scale through automated data generation and approachable spatial tools and algorithms” (Esri, 2024). 

Esri also has a free ebook available for download which describes “AI + Location Intelligence” here.

A major challenge is that data integrity has been and is a major concern for grappling with Big Data – those big data pipelines are integral to not only the training and testing of data for AI, but also for the long-term maintenance of an AI system. At the same time Agency leadership has struggled with data governance and staffing – there will be similar struggles for implementing AI across an organization.

Key tools for fighting wildfires (and post-fire mitigation) will be the expanded use of drones and the real potential of integrating AI into the battle. Fundamentally though, it will be a mistake to dismiss the need for a highly structured methodology in not only integrating the technologies (with robotics), but for prioritizing training needs for staff use and incident coordination.

As AI technology matures and begins to deploy autonomously – with model methodology making a transition to AI systems from task-based models – there will a greater emphasis and success for working across disciplines and engaging interdisciplinary teams in land and natural resource management.




Saturday, May 20, 2023

Updated Wildfire Status (June 2023)

The latest preparedness levels (June 9th) for the US and Canada are at PL 2 and 5, respectively. Conditions in the US are relatively stable and reflect a cooler than average spring with varying amounts of precipitation. On the other hand, to our north Canada is experiencing extreme wildfires as a result of severe drought conditions with elevated temperatures and dry fuels - these are a volatile mix when combined with lightning strikes and are causing the majority of fires in eastern Canada.

Severe wildfires on both east and west sections of Canada have resulted in thousands of Canadians being evacuated and thousands of acres of forest lands being impacted. The majority of these wildfires are located in the Canadian boreal forest. Typical suppression tactics in Canada are similar to Alaska in that many wildfires are left to burn in unpopulated areas and are only attacked, quoting a Canadian firefighter on Twitter, to "...protect values at risk, i.e., infrastructure, communities, critical habitat or culturally significant features on the landscape, we’ll map them and maybe try to burn them to natural barrier, fight one flank and let the rest roll (limited action) but we are not putting them out." The current wildfire numbers across Canada are well over 400 with roughly 50% of these still being labeled as "out of control." 

Many of these large wildfires in the US and Canada that extend across thousands of acres often are left to burn - awaiting the approaching winter to finally extinguish the remaining flames. Canadian firefighters are expecting the worst - the current severe conditions are unusual this early in the year and portend a long fire season. 

Thankfully, the unexpected Canadian smoke plumes that have covered and severely impacted air quality over the last several weeks in the eastern US have abated. Current air quality conditions can be monitored on the AirNow site: Fire and Smoke Map (airnow.gov).

Spring 2023 Wildfire Status (May 2023)

Another fire season is upon us and so far in the US it has been below average - 16,000 wildfires have burned over 477,00 acres as of May 19, 2023. A relatively mild, early fire season in the US reflects a cool and wet spring across the country. While the US preparedness level (PL) is at a PL of 2 across the country, the province of Alberta in Canada has now declared a wildfire emergency due to dry conditions and high winds with over 80 active wildfires burning across 900,000 acres. Canadian officials have evacuated more than 20,000 residents across the country, mainly in western Canada.

Canada is at national preparedness level 5, indicating full commitment of national resources is ongoing, demand for resources is extreme, and international resources are being mobilized. Alberta is at level 5, indicating assistance is required, Saskatchewan is at level 4, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia and Parks Canada are at level 3 with all other agencies at preparedness level 2 or 1.

Causes of Wildfires

Research has indicated that nearly 85% of all wildfires are caused by humans (and nearly all fires in western Canada in early 2023 are human-caused): 

Humans—not lightning—trigger most wildfires in the United States. According to a study published in February 2017 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 84 percent of the blazes that firefighters were called to fight between 1992 and 2012 were ignited by people. Some common ways that people start fires include discarding cigarettes, leaving campfires unattended, and losing control of prescribed burns or crop fires. Sparks from railroads and power lines, as well as arson, also routinely cause wildfires. 

University of Colorado scientist Jennifer Balch and several colleagues came to their conclusion after analyzing reports of 1.6 million wildfires from a comprehensive’s fire occurrence database maintained by the U.S. Forest Service. As shown by the map above, almost all (80 percent or more) of the fires in the Mediterranean ecosystems of central and southern California, the temperate forests of the eastern United States, and the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest are caused by humans. In contrast, lightning started the largest percentage of fires in the forests of the Rocky Mountains and the Southwest. In Florida, which is moist but has a great deal of lightning, between 60 and 80 percent of wildfires were caused by people.

The researchers also found that human-ignited fires tripled the length of the wildfire season. Though lightning-ignited fires were clustered in the summer, human-ignited fires occurred in the spring, fall, and winter as well, times when forests tend to be moist. During these seasons, people added more than 840,000 fires—a 35-fold increase over the number of lightning-started fires. In the eastern United States, fire activity became more extensive in the spring; in the West, human-ignited fires tended to extend the fire season in fall and winter. Despite the high number of incidents, human-ignited wildfires accounted for just 44 percent of the total area burned because many of them occurred in relatively wet areas and near population centers, where firefighters likely could quickly extinguish the fires before they spread.

The researchers also compared the wildfire reports to other satellite-based measurements of fire activity and forest health. For instance, by comparing to a Landsat-based record of burn scars—known as the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) project—they showed that both human-ignited and lightning-ignited wildfires have grown larger and more severe since 1992. For lightning fires, burning increased in mountainous parts of the West—not because there was more lightning, but because a warmer climate dried out forests. Among human-caused fires, there was an increase in large fires in the spring months in the Great Plains, possibly because climate change has prompted agricultural activities earlier in the year, Balch said. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Heroes of Our Time
COVID-19 and Strategy

"We believe the current risk to this virus is low," Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said at a press conference on Friday. "For families sitting around the dinner table tonight, this is not something they need to worry about." (Source: CNN, January 17, 2020)

In mid-January the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) deployed 100 workers at three international airports in the United States to monitor for the coronavirus. This unusual action was taken after two Chinese reportedly died from the virus and 45 had been infected. 

Anecdotal information, given that it comes from the Chinese government, suggests the virus was detected in mid-December. Regardless of your faith in the Chinese government or our own, coronavirus, or covid-19 as it is now called, is a pandemic with no end in sight for the US.

It is a global pandemic per the World Health Organization (WHO) and as such one would presume there is a coherent and consistent strategy for responding. Not so. Each country has (or not) built their strategy as a day-by day evolution of policy - from testing to social or physical distancing to shelter-in-place. From much that I could say, the US has failed, glaringly so, in strategically meeting this challenge. The worst part of it is that they could of had and should of had a playbook ready to go - they did not and do not. Many lives will be lost because of this.

Esri COVID-19 Resources

John Hopkins COVID-19 Resources

West Virginia COVID-19 Resources

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Data and Links (WWHGD)

World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group (WWHGD WG)
The WWHGD Working Group team has compiled a list of sources that contain data, information and products in support of Hurricane Mathew response and recovery.  Many of these links provide downloadable data and some have already conducted analysis of the data. 
Please feel free to contact the WWHGD team (cc'd) with any questions, comments and/or additions to the information provided below.  When we receive additional data sources we will send out an update to the membership.  We appreciate your continued support and interest in the WWHGD Working Group.
APAN:  https://community.apan.org/pfa/hurricanemathew/

Standby Task Force:  http://www.standbytaskforce.org/2016/10/04/sbtf-is-activating-to-collect-information-on-hurricane-matthew/

GDELT Project:  http://gdeltproject.org/

ESRI - Mapping Tweets associated with Matthew:  http://edc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/LiveMaps/index.html?appid=b669ee734a744d5da44321f415fb2ed1

Humanitarian Open Street Map - Create custom OpenStreetMap (OSM) exports: http://export.hotosm.org/en/exports/create/

Humanity Road Hurricane Matthew Situation Report: http://humanityroad.org/monitoring-hurricane-matthew/

EU Copernicus: http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-components/EMSR185

Google Crisis Map: https://www.google.org/crisismap/weather_and_events

Esri ArcGIS Hurricane and Tropical Cyclones Map: http://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=db6238df958148108cceb3b05619a7f6

ECHO Map on Relief Web from UN: http://reliefweb.int/map/haiti/haiti-cuba-bahamas-dominican-republic-tropical-cyclone-matthew-echo-daily-map-04102016

Prevention Web:  http://www.preventionweb.net/english/maps/index.php?cid=12

GeoComm:  http://data.geocomm.com/catalog/BA/datalist.html

GDACS:   http://www.gdacs.org/resources.aspx?eventtype=TC&eventid=1000316&episodeid=29

UN OCHA:   https://vosocc.unocha.org/GetFile.aspx?xml=https://vosocc.unocha.org/rss/4150rwzo_l1.html&tid=4150&laid=1

HDX:  https://data.humdata.org/group/hti

MAP ACTION:   http://mapaction.org/

WorldPop:  www.worldpop.org.uk

Haiti Data Project:  http://haitidata.org/layers/

Real-Time Services and Data Sources:

Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) PDC's GeoRSS Feed (ArcGIS Online Capable GeoRSS): http://d2mxabrykbl1km.cloudfront.net/feed.xml

Active Hurricane Live Service (ESRI, NOAA, JTWC, CPHC, NHC) (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://tmservices1.esri.com/arcgis/rest/services/LiveFeeds/Hurricane_Active/MapServer

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) (ArcGIS Online Capable GeoRSS): http://www.gdacs.org/xml/rss.xml
Recent Weather Radar Imagery (NWS, NOAA) (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://nowcoast.noaa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/nowcoast/radar_meteo_imagery_nexrad_time/MapServer

NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC) Active Storm Feed (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://rmgsc.cr.usgs.gov/arcgis/rest/services/igems_haz/MapServer/5

DOI's Interior Geospatial Emergency Management System (IGEMS) Real-time Hazards Feed
(ArcGIS Online Capable): http://rmgsc.cr.usgs.gov/ArcGIS/rest/services/igems_haz/MapServer

Humanitarian Open Street Map (**Data Request Submitted for Haiti/Jamaica/Dominican Republic bounding box: http://export.hotosm.org/en/exports/create/)
                No values returned in data files, technical difficulties

Service-Based Infrastructure:

World Ports (IHO) (ArcGIS Online Capable)
Large: http://services.arcgis.com/CuKhy9lf5rURr3iI/arcgis/rest/services/Large_Ports/FeatureServer/0
Medium: http://services.arcgis.com/CuKhy9lf5rURr3iI/arcgis/rest/services/MediumPorts/FeatureServer/0
Small: http://services.arcgis.com/CuKhy9lf5rURr3iI/arcgis/rest/services/SmallPorts/FeatureServer/0

World Airports (WFP) (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://services.arcgis.com/5T5nSi527N4F7luB/arcgis/rest/services/World_Airports_(WFP)/FeatureServer/0

Haiti Health Facilities (USAID) (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://services.arcgis.com/Djjoop3BmZekEtDo/arcgis/rest/services/Health_Facilities/FeatureServer/0

Haiti Hospitals (USAID) (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://services.arcgis.com/Djjoop3BmZekEtDo/arcgis/rest/services/Haiti_Hosp4/FeatureServer/1

Haiti Schools 2015 (ArcGIS Online Capable): http://services.arcgis.com/F2I26pyLBcVqlW3x/arcgis/rest/services/HaitiSchools/FeatureServer/0

AGOL Cuba Province Outlines:  http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=eadae54129644676923de7f89867d862

AGOL Cuba Municipality Outlines:  http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=42cdb158ec5a4dc3b118568eeab32acb

AGOL Cuba Population by Province:  http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=5e6f37c3d159416d9bd4f33ee25d637a

AGOL Locations of public WiFi in Cuba:  http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=a3931f6d55514eef87a3ab7e0d8f2853

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Scottish Highlands - A Wee Journey


Flying in to London, early morning
I sat down in the Citroen, looked around, pushed the start button for the diesel car. Familiarity is comforting, but as travelers know traveling means sometimes adapting moment by moment. This was one of those moments,  The onboard GPS wasn't that difficult to navigate, but experience had taught me not to leave the Avis parking lot in Glasgow before I made sure I had a working unit. As luck would have it the unit would not recognize my first address. Ten minutes of trial and error had produced no response for the Uplawmoor Hotel so I returned to the Avis counter and Andrew accompanied me back out to the parking lot to confirm. What initially was a major concern, Andrew solved in short order.  He grabbed a portable Garmin unit and we plugged it in to the cigarette lighter socket.  The Garmin worked flawlessly for my entire trip. Recommended, especially when you don't have paper maps and I had not anticipated how useful geo-enabled pdf maps would be with my iPhone (and internal GPS) on the road (which I would later use in tandem with the Garmin).


The long flight (3-hour) from Salt Lake to Philadelphia was a precursor for my seven-hour night flight to Heathrow and London and eventual destination of Glasgow. Fortunately, given my health, I managed to survive the uneventful Delta flight (moving about enough to keep my blood circulating) touching down at Heathrow at 0630 in the morning. Although I had slept a bit on the flight my internal clock needed a reset.  Fortunately, I managed to stay awake to catch a third plane for the short 1-hour flight to Glasgow later that morning. Thus, in hindsight, my rental car and easy drive to my initial destination in Glasgow, the Uplawmoor Hotel, gave me a chance to catch a late afternoon nap that would re-charge my batteries enough to spur an evening walk.
Taking that first step on a journey can sometimes be difficult. This Scotland trip, a simmering issue that began when I was a kid in Pittsburgh, that was stoked during a family UK "roundabout" trip ten or so years ago from Heathrow and London to Salisbury, through Wales and single tracks, into Scotland and the castle at Dunoon, and ended following a late traffic-driven drive and missed Heathrow flight. Lots of sticky notes that I could post on this or that, but let's just say traveling to Scotland on this trip was meant to explore the Highlands that I have only read about and to somehow connect fast-fading family dots on my Father's side that were but hints from the past.
I had made it to Scotland in one piece with a rental car and now had ten days ahead of me.
Lamont Clan Meeting

The Clan Meeting on First Day

As an American who had signed on as a Clan member "back when" I had never imagined actually taking advantage of nor meeting Clan members in Scotland.  But as luck would have it I discovered through Facebook acquaintances and Clan correspondence that there would be a meeting (and that I was invited) in downtown Glasgow at the Novotel Hotel on Friday morning (18th of November). There were eight members of the Lamont Clan Society present and what followed was a well-organized meeting with the main agenda item being the annual Lamont Clan gathering that was held in Portavadie this past August. Everyone agreed it was a success and remarked on the great music (especially for younger members) and the excellent food. Discussion followed regarding next year's gathering with a final decision for holding "The Gathering" in Portavadie again next year. But the highlight of the meeting was my discovering, which I had not known before was the Clan's ownership of the Manse at Inverchaolain.  I would actually be allowed to stay there (and I did for three nights) on the Loch (Loch Striven) and explore Lamont artifacts with Mary Lamb, the curator and visit nearby sites. What a treat, and it was!

UK Ordnance Map of Inverchaolain

But, before leaving Glasgow we made sure to visit a nearby restaurant for lunch where I was rewarded with my first ever taste of haggis (and I actually liked it).

Inverchaolain and the Strone Dearg

The Lamonts' little kingdom forms part of the modern Argyllshire—the ancient Oirthir Ghaidheal, or sea-coast of the Gael

The drive to Inverchaolain from Glasgow was not that difficult since I had Mary to guide me.  We drove down to Greenock to take the ferry across the Firth of Clyde to Dunoon. Dunoon, a sleepy village of 8,000 or so on the water, is the first real site for the Lamont Clan. Just south of here is the site of the 12th century Toward Castle, in ruins now, but still easily visible and part of the Castle Toward estate. Castle Toward, still standing today, was built by the Clan in the 19th century and is a popular tourist site (and in the midst of an ownership transfer these days).

The Manse at Inverchaolain

In April 2005, my family explored the UK via a rental car.  Leaving from Heathrow and London we navigated to Stonehenge and Salisbury, thence on to Wales, and to our ultimate destination of Dunoon and Toward Castle.  It was an incredible trip, but only hastened my interest in a follow up trip to further explore. So having visited Dunoon and the Toward Castle on that last trip, this October was more of a focus on the landscape, geography, and Kilfinan. I am not sure what I was looking for and still am uncertain as to whether I fulfilled my "quest" so to speak.
With Mary, we hastened on to Inverchaolain on A815 and Glenstriven Road. I really had no idea nor image conjured in my mind as to what "The Manse" would look like.  Aside from Robert, one of our Clan members mentioning at the Glasgow meeting that the Manse is the spiritual home of the Lamonts, I had no prior knowledge of the site.

Loch Striven and the Manse
But, as places go, my past is set in singular landscapes and experiences that have persisted in many ways through time. It is just the way it is. Somehow, of the Lamont side, I would expect no less. The Manse and environs, beautifully fitted in to Loch Striven at the mouth of the Inverchaolain Burn (stream); site of the 19th century Church or Lamont Chapel (originally built in the early 1800s and re-built in 1912); and nearby the remains of an even earlier Chapel dedicated to St. Bridget. Three nights I spent on Loch Striven at the Manse. My opportunity there was a chance to explore surrounding lands (hiking a bit), to kayak briefly one morning to get the feel of the water, to peruse the many historical materials (and scanning a few), and to visit the Lamont Chapel, now owned by the Church of Scotland (who are contemplating selling the old church). Mary was also kind enough to introduce me to the Toward Church and to nearby sites.
Lamont Chapel, Church of Scotland
But, one moment as I entered the grounds of the Lamont Chapel, I became overcome with a sense of I am not sure what. I think that I sense the Lamonts have spread far and wide because of many events and happenings. Sad and tragic in the deepening twilight, but as in the Sun sets it is meant to rise again. The Lammies are somehow intertwined. I had decided to not stop at many well-known and significant Scottish sites, including Rossyln Chapel. Perhaps another day. But hints at the Lamonts of old having been crusaders. There is much myth in the 12th and 13th centuries and earlier times. Best to let old events lie still, Yet there is always hope that past echoes carry much meaning. There is much I could mention of the area, especially of Cowal, but past events have faded leaving only stone etchings and myth that ebb with the tide. But, only for God's faith and trust coupled with our own can we again fulfill a covenant and biological sustenance for meeting the future.

On the road to Pitlochry

On The Road - First Stop Pitlochry

Late morning on Tuesday I finally got on the road in my Citroen, not without trepidation. Contemplating driving on the left side of the road is a challenge for anyone, least of all someone who has become accustomed to driving on the right side of the road for 40+ years. My route would take me past Loch Lomond of which I had originally hoped to stay for at least a night, but as my itinerary changed I had settled on Pitlochry as a good choice before reaching Inverness. I actually reached Pitlochry in mid-afternoon, arriving at the very historic, Moulin Hotel. My choices of stay for this trip were a random attempt to find a wee bit of flavor in Scotland.  I managed that I think. Moulin is a perfect spot close to the town of Pitlochry for exploring and a brewery to boot. The landscape was beautiful as the weather had cleared and the temperature was a comfortable high 50s-low 60s range (and it stayed that way throughout the rest of my trip). My stop in Pitlochry actually was pretty feeble in that the area has many significant sites to explore and I begged off on all. Of course, remembering my challenge of driving on the other side of the road by myself is my excuse for minimizing my tourist engagement with the area. "Have portable Garmin will travel" with care and less spontaneity as a solo traveler, who carefully negotiates single tracks from the left side of the road.

St. Andrews, Inverness, and the Glendruidh Bed and Breakfast

My first real decision point during my trip came as I went through my morning ritual of shower, breakfast, and meds in the Moulin Hotel. It just so happened that a pre-trip challenge to stop in St. Andrews weighed on my mind.  Not that I am a fluent golfer, in fact I am a bad golfer, breaking 100 once in a blue moon. But, St Andrews it would be as my geographic nearness to the St. Andrews courses led me to town albeit not to golf. My trip to Inverness and Glendruidh would have to wait for my side trip to St. Andrews. St. Andrews was well worth the stop as you can see from my photograph. A bit of morning fog gave way to a brilliant day. A set of eight golf balls from the strategically placed St. Andrews Links golf shop was all that I would need - seven balls for esteemed golf buddies and the eighth for myself. My short stint in St. Andrews gave way to the road again as my Garmin mapped my route for me, straight to Glendruidh BB in Inverness. I reached my destination in late afternoon and settled in. I opted not to travel in to town with my rental car that evening, intending to save on the wear and tear of my effort in driving. But, after a delicious salmon meal at the Glendruidh (and a great conversation with one of the British owners, Mike, a marine engineer) I had Mike call me a cab and did I venture in to town to the Hootenanny. It was a great idea since I was hoping to hear some Scottish music, but at the same time the music would not start until much later that evening so aside from a beer and great conversation with some locals and other fellow travelers, I returned to my home base to retire for the night.

Point of Stoer

Destination Inverness reached, but another decision on my next steps this day:  Isle of Skye, Loch Ness, or local sites (like the Culloden Battlefield). Today though, following my conversation with Mike last night I've decided to drive to the Point of Stoer and see the lighthouse there and if I am lucky maybe see some marine life. The highway road was halfway decent most of the way there, but narrowed to a single track at some point and I drank in the unusual Scottish landscape all the while watching for oncoming vehicles.  For those who have not driven Scottish single tracks you drive gingerly all the while watching for oncoming vehicles. You meet a vehicle and the car nearest to a pull off spot dictates who backs up and pulls off. During the entire vacation every single vehicle that I met on a single track was more than courteous and waved. I appreciated it!
Lighthouse at Stoer
The lighthouse at Stoer faces the Atlantic. A rugged coastline comparable to many across the world and reminded me of the Maine coastline. A grey day during which I really did not see any wildlife although I looked intently the whole time. I did do a several mile hike to the Old Man of Stoer, a 200+ high sea stack of sandstone north along the coast. The two-hour drive to the Point of Stoer meant that my day was pretty well shot between hiking and driving by the time I returned to the Glendruidh in early evening. It was a good day and reflected my trip and goals in Scotland. The trip wasn't so much to have a revelation, but to have a trip to engage and study the landscape and to reflect on theories and pre-history. The Lamont Clan record is more mythical than real - the Scottish landscape lends itself to that, a Tolkien-like, but un-written record.

Culloden Battlefield

An Epic Drive in the Heart of the Highlands

A mapped route to Inverneill from Inverness is pretty straightforward, more straight than curvy and almost completely rural. The 4 hour or so drive turned in to one of the most memorable drives of my life. The beautiful, blue sky and warm day was a painted backdrop through and to enchanting lands. The Culloden Battlefield and Clava Cairn in Inverness were an incredible northern book end to my trip. Thence on to Loch Ness, still and blue, revealed little of its lore, but availed itself for an idyllic iPhone snapshot as did many other locations along the way. The travel to Inverneill and the Kilfinan View BB was unlike any drive that I have ever done.

Loch Ness

More than anywhere and at anytime my drive highlighted the Highland essence and relations of water, land, and bygone cultures. The lochs and lakes of the Highlands surely served as critical routes and defensive barriers for the known Gaelic and Dal Riata cultures. Abrupt relief and rugged terrain were in evidence everywhere on my drive and at every bend a unique and colorful October scene greeted me. How do you read the landscape and discern so many nuances and stories to an old land that juggles humanity aside a dynamic ocean environment that portends to the past yet teaches for the future.

Temple Wood
The highlight of my drive south though was my stop at Temple Wood.  Composed of standing stones and cairns you really have to stand beside one of the stones to understand the essence. There was one other couple there when I stopped, but we managed to walk from site to nearby site without disturbing one another. On a beautiful blue-sky afternoon how do you contemplate an ancient site that is more than a book, harkens back to some forgotten past and culture. Incredible for me. This site is one of many within the Kilmartin Valley.
I reached Kilfinan View BB in Inverneill in late afternoon. Time enough to chat with the owner and plot my evening drive and meal.  In the morning I would take the ferry in Tarbert so that would be my destination tonight to locate the ferry and a restaurant (the Starfish). My whole trip was attempt to balance scheduling and planning ahead with an equal amount of synchronicity or chance. I reached Tarbert before 1800 hours and the Starfish restaurant opening. So having parked I walked around the village along the shore of the bay as I waited for the restaurant to open. As luck would have it I noticed a sign and path to a castle, actually the Royal Castle of Tarbert. Sitting atop the hill on the southern shore of the bay, having but ruins and interpretive signs and yet still an important history and role in the Scottish past.

Royal Castle at Tarbert

Kilfinan View BB and Loch Fyne

Mandy at the Kilfinan was extremely nice. The BB sits on Loch Fyne and has a great view.  If you are looking for a quaint, historical BB it probably isn't, but very nice and in a good location. This morning I had intended to catch the ferry over to Portavadie from Tarbert, but because of my short side trip yesterday to Temple Wood I decided to head back to Dunadd, located in the Kilmartin Valley to the north.

Dunadd is a hillfort from the Iron Age and earlier. Some accounts link the site to Dál Riata and a seat of kings. I arrived in mid-morning, but before the Sun had a chance to burn off the fog. If you can imagine my climbing the several hundred feet high crag via a well-worn path above the surrounding lands and bog. I reached the top noting the interpretive signs and artifacts along the way. On top of Dunadd, the Sun had built an incredible view of fog and colored fall vegetation below and blue sky above me. From a geographic perspective I could envision any number of reasons for their location here. Obviously, the nearness of Loch Fyne to the east and a pathway to the open sea on the west were a factor. By some accounts the water levels were higher during the height of the culture. Either way, the culture had been established, had been successful, yet I still sensed there were more reasons than geographic that had prompted their siting here. Just north of Dunadd one can gain a more cohesive and rich immersion in the Kilmartin Valley story by stopping at the Kilmartin Museum, which I did. The museum has rich artifacts that include carved stones and other artifacts from the past. There is also a distinct valley view from the landscape bench upon which it sits. One need only read the story to appreciate the view and what might have been.

Dunadd Hillfort, in the Kilmartin Valley


Cowal may be likened in form to Neptune's trident, extending sea­wards the three prongs of Ardlamont, Strone, and Toward Points, in which extremities were the vital parts of the Lamont country.

An early morning spent in Kilmartin Valley meant a late morning ferry ride from the Highland village of Tarbert over to Portavadie. The ferry ride really wasn't that long, but long enough to imagine the value of water in terms of transport and trade so long ago. My ultimate destination today is the Church at Kilfinan. First though, I unload myself and car in Portavadie (this past August's site of the Lamont Clan Gathering) and juggle my options for continuing. After much thought and movement I decide to head south on my drive to Ardlamont, one of the many Lamont sites found in Cowal.
Ardlamont Point
Ardlamont, in the 1800s, was built and owned by a Lamont family member. It is an incredibly beautiful area within the Highlands that hints at past life. My highlight for reaching the actual home was the single track drive (and views) to reach the mansion. But, my destination is Kilfinan. So, I reverse direction and head north to Kilfinan. Kilfinan is a small village set back from Loch Fyne. Via the single track road I reach Kilfinan and the chapel. I take various photographs, but since I had not scheduled a tour of the historic Lamont burial stones I wasn't able to visit the heart of what I had meant to see. Still, all in all, somehow my simple presence and sense of place was enough to explore and reflect on the past and how the modern configuration of the area tells a long story and one that remains.

The Road Home

The 18th saw me making the two hour or so drive from Kilfinan to the Glasgow Airport where I would catch a plane for London. My last night would be spent at the Forester in Ealing, near Picadilly Station. I arrived at the airport and dropped the car off at Avis. Thankfully, my portable Garmin GPS and Citroen car had performed flawlessly together! I caught a taxi to the Forester and some 30 minutes later arrived. I discovered that there are better ways to travel in London (it cost roughly 60 pounds) to take a taxi. Immediately after getting a room at the Forester I located the Picadilly Station nearby (thanks to a Forester employee's advice). My morning ride (after a 15 minute walk) would cost 8 pounds, this from the Forester to the Heathrow airport. It so happened that my evening dinner at the Forester was timed perfectly, I watched Scotland and Australia playing in the Rugby World Cup tournament that evening. I don't know rugby, but it was fun watching the patrons watch the game...My final day was uneventful, taking the long plane ride back to the states (with a stopover at LaGuardia) and Salt Lake.

But, as someone once said, "Remember who we once were and who we must become again." A tale for each of us and of an Arcadia of long ago...

Reference: The Lamont clan, 1235-1935 : seven centuries of clan history from record evidence

"So Inveryne, Ascog, and Toward would flaunt by day from their  battlements the silver lion on the blue field, and by night would be gay with the light of torches, the sound of the harp and the tales of the seannachies. About the houses of the lairds and tacksmen the greens and blues of the tartan would reflect the sunlight, which glinted often upon the naked steel which was carried by all men folk. On the lochs the birlinns must have gleamed with targe and banner, the predecessors of the present river steamers. But apart from these oases of civilisation (or at any rate of society) there can only have been a wilderness of moorland and dark waters."

"Despite the changes of the centuries, however, the Lamont country has an essential sameness in all ages. The natural attractions of outline and of colour are exactly now as they were ever, although the hand of man has made more mark on them with the passage of time. The strong curves of slope and shore, and the deep tones of mountain and sea, are common to all eras in history. Such were the features of the clan territory in the dark of time; such are they still; and such they are likely to remain "till a' the seas gang dry." Long may they be left unspoiled in tribute to the hosts that have gone out from them—and sweart they were to go—across the seven seas of the world, with those bonds in common which have kept them aye a clan."

Music: Andrew Lammie; Julie Fowlis; The Piano Guys; Archie Fisher

Monday, February 23, 2015

Heaven on Earth

Arlo walks under our Golden, rubbing as he slowly goes through his ritual of feeling at home in a scary world that in the beginning stripped him from his Mother and set him and his brother down close enough to our home for us to find him and his brother a new home - our home. Scale up a bit and imagine what it was like for our ancestors, uprooted in many cases, from their home. Sandwiched from below by a landscape of green with a core of iron and from above by a limitless space cast in a blue sky, traveling kin adrift in space and time settling into an eddy on the land. Identities and lives forged by events and experiences that marked the past and prescribe the future.

We share a world that had been ever so limitless yet now seems to know no horizon. Marooned together we are faced with meeting each other for the first time on a local corner without chaperones.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Global Cafe

Walked in to Barnes and Noble and bought a Unique Media map of the world. Saw it and today I decided I needed to buy it. Not that I had a reason, just a whim.  I also bought a couple of other maps: one on Guatemala (where I had spent two years a long time ago) and a second of Scotland and Edinburgh (a family destination some years ago). Some days I suppose one imagines and travels.  At checkout, the young woman asked if I intended to travel "to the World." I appreciated her early morning gist and smiled. If only my destination were more at peace I suggested.

But our conversation had me thinking and questioning and pondering. And so it goes as I opened my Sunday morning, NY Times as I climbed in to my car I realized that the planned "renovation" or re-launch, of their magazine had happened this day and the front cover focus revealed what they described as a 2015 "sense of life on Earth."      

I suppose "Global," should be my focus this day. Sort of presumptuous for sure, naïve even more so, but the time has come for sovereign nations to tackle the need for action, a collaborative work of art to invoke a future vision and an embedded strategy to sustain a diverse World. Many would cry foul in a past vision of subsistence cultures that in essence (and their local Worlds) continue to meet their needs. My contention is that what has come before is now without precedent: a technological Saran wrap that is re-configuring our very lives, our communities, and our World.      

Simple effort for me to share my catalog of concerns, but it is exemplified by the climate change and/or warming scenarios.  We alter atmospheric chemistry at one scale, we alter local landscapes at another, but reality is that we, in cultures across the world, need to re-design the future with an eye toward our biological underpinnings. Collectively, we have common ground in sharing basic human needs for shelter, food, water, and air that qualify as requisites for our human condition to continue on Earth. 

I am not looking for a global government per se, if only to avoid what is anathema to many.  Perhaps, it is a "Global Café," or in a post-World War II context, it stems from the United Nations. Yet, a commonsensical approach should be common ground that we need to work together within some structured roundtable.

But, in final thoughts, that what may be common sense to some is impractical for others. With that in mind my personal faith calls, that we will increasingly see major impacts over the near term. My guess is that these should occur over tens of years, but if my destiny serves me well then perhaps these may be sooner rather than later. For our very existence holds expectations that in each of us that we search for meaning and method to life. The days ahead may carry a story, a story that has beginnings in long ago, but that the ending is as of yet unwritten.

Visions of a Sustainable World - http://youtu.be/FS7o4g5kzMM


Samuel R...